International experts rank Romania as a top favored software outsourcing destination. This is due to dynamic small and medium enterprises specialized in software development and highly qualified human resources.
As a nearshore software development destination, Romania is particularly attractive for European small and medium enterprises (from Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy and so on) who wish to outsource custom software development.
Companies hire a development team in Romania mainly for:
- Romania has a reservoir of creative and rigorous specialists, with solid language skills and experience in international team and custom software development projects
- Romanian software engineers are well-grounded in the Agile state of mind
- up to 75% cost cuts compared with similar resources from Western countries
- Romania is an EU member, making it easier and safer to work with Romanian software companies
- Romania has a European culture and civilization
- nearshore development in Romania means just one-hour time difference from Central Europe and two hours’ time difference from GMT
- only a few hours’ flight from Europe
Romanian IT experts are appreciated all over the world for the great work they are doing as a result of excellent theoretical background, programming skills and creativity.
If yesterday was about India, today is about Romania. The shift of global software corporations in their software outsourcing preferences is a direct result of the highly competitive costs and the rich supply of IT specialists with excellent technical and linguistic skills, according to Offshore Romania, a 2003 report by Pierre Audoin Consultants (PAC). We can add the government’s support for the IT and software industry, mostly injected by means of solid national associations of software companies.
Did you know?
Romanian programmers’ linguistic skills are rated the best in Europe.